My hero academia characters
My hero academia characters

Antagonistic Offspring: Dabi's entire motivation is breaking his father, Endeavor, and absolutely ruining his reputation.And just when Endeavor is actually starting to care about them, too, for the first time in a very long time. And Your Little Dog, Too!: He plans to make Endeavor suffer by killing the Hero's loved ones, i.e., his wife and other children, who are also Dabi's mother and younger siblings.Come the Paranormal Liberation War, he outright admits he doesn't care about the League at all. Dabi even opts out of the collective rematch with Gigantomachia, leaving his comrades for a month and a half. Aloof Ally: While everyone else in the League eventually forms a sense of camaraderie towards each other, Dabi deliberately keeps a wall between them and treats its various members with indifference or disdain.Alliterative Name: His real name, Toya Todoroki.This particular scene (where he played ball with Fuyumi and Natsuo) creates some issues, as it's established in the plot to have happened after his hair had turned mostly white. Adaptation Dye-Job: In his first depictions, Toya is drawn with pure white hair (like Natsuo and his mother Rei), while in the anime, he has his father's red hair.He's also shown with a much more toned build in his Shirtless Scene preceding the Todoroki family flashback. Adaptational Attractiveness: It's rather low-key, but Dabi's burn scars around the neck are more symmetrical in the anime.This allowed him to retain his consciousness, understand the move's principle and adapt it for his own use. He even metaphorically comes Back from the Dead after losing initially to Shoto's Phosphor move because Shoto hit him in the chest rather than the head with it, akin to how Zombies can endure injuries fatal to living beings.

my hero academia characters my hero academia characters

This informs the symbolism of Dabi as a Revenant Zombie, and how the head is their classical weak point.


When he pushes his firepower to its maximum level when having his final fight with Shoto, despite his evident disregard of his own health, resulting in his flames steadily burning away his skin and exposing his muscles underneath, he takes care to regulate the damage done to his upper head, allowing him to keep track of his targets even as his body steadily self-destructs, leaving him a danger even when he's reduced to a physical wreak that can barely even stand upright. Gran Torino is able to knock him unconscious with a single blow to the head during the Kamino Ward raid, leaving him unconscious for the entirely of the league's subsequent rescue by All For One. However this is dependant on his mind and willpower being able to generate his fire, meaning attacks that rattle his consciousness stop him from being able to fight back despite his physical durability. His damaged nervous system means he can keep moving and fighting despite the excessive Self-Harm he does to himself with his own flames, and becomes almost unstoppable when he reaches his Point of No Return by the Final Battle. Achilles' Heel: Though Downplayed, it's showcased that his is his head.Accuser of the Brethren: He spits at Endeavor that he will pay for the suffering he put him through as a child, proclaiming that his father's attempts to atone for the harm he has inflicted on his family have been for naught, and insisting that "the past never dies".Toya perceived this as abandonment by the time Shoto was born, he was desperate for the attention his youngest sibling received and lashed out, which started straining his relationship with his family. Endeavor, having grown worried, tried to dissuade his son from his dreams, ceased training him, and decided to grow his family further. But the flaws of Quirk marriage soon quashed his hopes: as his body had not inherited Endeavor's fire resistance, he started suffering distressing burns. Toya's early childhood was happy, and as he inherited his father's powerful Quirk, he grew to emulate his relentless ambition and dreams. He revealed himself to his father and youngest brother as part of his quest to ruin Endeavor's life and destabilize society. In truth, Dabi is Toya Todoroki, the eldest son of the Todoroki family who was previously presumed dead. Unlike other fire users in the series, however, he is unable to withstand the heat of his own flames for long periods of time as he actually has the ability to weather extreme cold.

my hero academia characters

Dabi's Quirk, "Blueflame", allows him to produce incredibly hot blue flames.

My hero academia characters